
Let’s force Christianity on people…

Wait a minute…  Maybe let’s not.  Sounded almost militant didn’t it? OK, that’s a poor way to start when putting thoughts to paper, but the fact is, I struggle with this stuff.  What are we supposed to do as Christians?  Are is not necessary to spread the Gospel?  There’s some low hanging fruit from scripture […]

I sat in the back row for Good Friday Services…

…And you guessed it.  I didn’t like it one bit.  My wife was ‘on call’ that weekend and since we were traveling to family on Easter Sunday, we wanted to catch a Good Friday service.  We went to Cornerstone Bible Fellowship and the mood was somber and dark.  The crucifixion was no party, so it […]

Hallelujah Redux

Hallelujah – Hebrew for “Glory to the Lord” – After discussion with my wife and others I decided to revisit the subject of “Hallelujah” made famous by Leonard Cohen’s writing, and timeless by Jeff Buckley’s version of the song. Let’s delve into this a bit.  It is important I post my disclaimer up front.  I’m not learned […]

Chris Kyle and acting in Christian Faith? Balance that…

I wrote a think piece on Chris Kyle, PTSD, and being a good neighbor some time ago.  It’s time I shared my thoughts with you on this.  I’m posting my think piece below for you to consider.  Below this piece will be a thought from Albert Mohler that may alter your perspective.  Resist the temptation […]

How can I pass off a ‘foodie’ post as biblical you ask? Well, read below…

There’s a little more to it than that of course, so give me a little latitude to bring this full circle.  Hang in there.  I think I can do it. I had a conversation waiting outside a courthouse with a minister the other day about how uptight people get in front of the men in […]

Kindness. Do you have it in you? What am I saying? Do I have it in me???

Facebook.  Yeah, I love it and I loathe it at the same time.  In an age where accusations appear to be enough to convict someone in the eyes of the public, it’s a dangerous thing to construct a meme or snippet about a person or event, as the soft headed among us glam onto these […]

Lent… You reckon the Catholics are onto something?

Lent.  Not every Christian observes it in the sense that they give up something, fast, or sacrifice for Lent.  Should we though? If we’re in agreement that Lent is an observation of the time Jesus was in the wilderness being tempted by Satan and the fast lasted for 40 days and 40 nights, what does […]

The Iowa Caucus and the Retreat from Decency…

I’m feeling kind of sad today.  As I set here zipping down through facebook posts, I’m seeing a lot of really troubling stuff.  Granted many are partial attempts at humor so they shouldn’t be considered a big deal.  But…  There’s still a lot being said in spite of the chuckles. People are actually bragging about […]

50,000,000 babies killed since Roe vs Wade. Your reponse???

I make it no secret that if not for the gift of adoption my wife and I may not have had a family.  We simply couldn’t get and stay pregnant.  The eight year battle with infertility isn’t the reason I write today.  The fact that the birth parents of our children having chose life over […]

Did the movie “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade” stumble upon the greatest question of all time?

I dig the Indiana Jones movies.  Well…  Not the last one.  It was utterly terrible and stamped with a monster FAIL right in the title sequence…  That aside, my personal favorite is the Last Crusade.  I like the intertwined stories of the crusade and the black/white parallel with Hitler’s quest for the third reich. As […]

The day after Mira. …Not so fast…

I put pen to paper, or more appropriately, chubby little digits to keyboard, the day after we laid Mira’s body to rest.  Those thoughts are below: “Mira was laid to rest yesterday. The visitation and funeral for Mira were tough events to endure, but some of the most heartfelt fellowship I’ve witnessed in life was […]

It’s been a rough Christmas season….

For nearly a year and a half I’ve been involved as best I can with my family’s best friends and their cancer stricken 6yr daughter.  We’ve been the best of friends for over two decades, and our daughters are the same age and also the best of friends.  When something happens to them, it also […]

R-E-S-P-E-C-T, find out what it means to me…

Yes, I love all kinds of music.  Pretty much everything under the sun with two exceptions.  I’m not much on the angry rap or the extra twangy country…  Otherwise, I generally love whatever is playing.  Well, mostly love.  I should have included ‘pop’ as it were.  I find this entire genre of music utterly forgettable. […]

The first post and the reason this blog exists…

  I grew up in a Christian-Presbyterian Church far from where I live now.  I know what God is.  I know what Satan is.  I have two little children now, 6 and 2.  I look around me in the world and I don’t like what I see.  I notice God missing and I want to […]